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Living Learning Materials and the digiLLM project are all about creating a space to jointly and collaboratively discuss the quality and inclusiveness of (digital) learning materials. Why? Because learning materials can contribute to more inclusive learning environments and learning experiences. (Learn more about that in the section about Living Learning Materials).

Therefore, the materials we work with everyday need to be critically assessed in our daily teaching and learning practices.

  • DILeMa stands for Digital Inclusive Learning Materials. The aim of DILeMa is to scientifically reflect on the interplay between digital learning materials and inclusion. It combines theoretical considerations with empirical perspectives on digital learning materials. A special focus is placed on meta-reviews: a format that is based on the voices of users of digital educational resources. The aim is to create space for reflection on digital teaching and learning materials, taking into account the aspect of inclusion in the international journal landscape. 

    DILeMa is a journal that brings together different voices and perspectives on the topic of inclusion-sensitive digital teaching and learning materials. Various forms of contributions are planned, including scientific articles and meta-reviews, as well as a section for discussions from a wider audience. This allows different target groups to participate in the discourse: (early career) researchers, teachers and students can contribute to the different types of articles. DILeMa is aimed at an international audience by combining English with the German, Czech and Swedish language.

  • There is more research needed on inclusiveness, quality, potentials and limitations of (digital) learning materials. For this, we are in the process of founding a brand new academic journal – digital, international and peer reviewed: DILeMa, which stands for Digital Inclusive Learning Materials.

    Teaching and learning materials are a central element in every teaching and learning setting. Materials therefore play a role in who is included or excluded in (digital) educational settings.  At the same time, digital learning materials and digital technologies are generally recognised as having inherent inclusive potential.


    In this context, however, important questions remain unanswered: How can inclusion actually be realised with the help of digital learning materials? What can be considered inclusive in the context of digitality? What do teachers, learners and researchers think about inclusion in the context of digital learning materials?


    The DILeMa Journal creates a space to open up the discourse around these questions. The aim is to gain clarity on the triangulation of the topics of inclusion, digitality and educational materials. In light of the ongoing shift towards digital education, it is of utmost importance for teachers and learners, but also for researchers, to reflect on digital teaching and learning materials in terms of quality, usability and appropriateness for their purposes. Such a forum for reflecting on digital inclusive educational materials is currently lacking in academic discourse.

  • Here, digiLLM goes full circle: it is not mainly about carrying academic perspectives into teaching and learning. More so, we center teachers’ and learners’ expertise into the center of academic research. 

    This is done in the form of so-called meta-reviews.

    Meta-reviews summarise and discuss several reviews of a learning material. The reviews on which the meta-reviews are based may have been compiled by a broad target group concerned with learning materials – including teachers, student teachers, learners or parents. The subject of these reviews should be the inclusion sensitivity of a learning material. A meta-review therefore summarizes the perspectives of those who have critically reflected on a learning material and tested it for inclusion sensitivity.

  • The Call for Papers for the first issue will be shared in Spring 2024. 

    DILeMa is a journal that brings together different voices and perspectives on the topic of inclusion-sensitive digital teaching and learning materials. This first issue will be dedicated to the topic in a comprehensive manner, containing three forms of contributions: scientific articles and meta-reviews. Submissions will be welcome to all parts.





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